Workshop: The Art of the Brain Dump

Want to learn my 5 step system for mastering your marketing strategy? Save your spot in my free workshop, Marketing with Intention in 2020.

Ahh, the art of the Brain Dump strategy. The concept is simple! Take all of those nagging to-dos, the house projects, the business ideas, the school work, the things you’ve been meaning to do with the kids, dinner ideas...and dump every single one of ‘em down into a notebook.

What a relief, right?! That simple act of getting those thoughts out of your head and onto a piece of paper feels like cleaning out your e-mail inbox. Suddenly the important stuff comes to light, and you can think much more clearly about what your next steps will be.

But what happens when your brain dump has a whole lot of juicy goodness on it? What happens when your brain dump contains some of your best ideas yet? What if you REALLY want to get started on those ideas and don’t just want them to get lost in some notebook somewhere?

That’s where this podcast comes in. Instead of thinking about your daily to-do list, I want to teach you the art of reorganizing your brain dump to turn it into a vision you can actually carry out. 

As usual with these “workshop style” podcast episodes- there are some materials required! So I doubt you’re driving- but lots of you told me you’re running or walking while listening to podcasts now, so you can listen to this episode and come back to the work part later. If you’re listening and you actually can do the work right now- you might want to have some materials on hand.

After this episode, be sure to send me your brain dump to action pictures! I want to see how your mind works. Let’s take some of these ideas out of our head where they’re taking up a ton of mental space and put them onto paper where we can reorganize them and TAKE ACTION.

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This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit